It’s no surprise that many landlords are left with countless questions regarding the handling of their residential property during such uncertain times.
In fact, we’ve been receiving countless phone calls from landlords who are upset with their current company giving them little to no advice and or facts on what’s happening.
This short video explains how Douglas Property Management has been keeping things as normal as possible for our clients and tenants.
It’s important to understand there is a solution and answer to your questions, and you’re not alone.
Those of us at Douglas Realty are willing and waiting to hear your story, and are ready to create a game plan to get things back on track if they currently aren’t so.
Having three fully staffed offices ready to take your calls and questions is our way of showing you we’re your solution to proper property management in these unprecedented times, and beyond.
Simply get in touch with us via the web chat on this page, or call our main office line at 239-542-6906 to speak with a real person right away to get you on track!