There’s certainly no shortage of realtors in Southwest Florida, each in their own niche, creating networks and relationships of all types of clients ranging from investors to first time home buyers.
For those who are selling property for investment purposes, it’s typically a struggle to get their clients with a property management firm that they can trust, and feel comfortable with. Seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a company not paying referrals for clients, not providing them with excellent service, or any service at all.
Douglas’ Different Approach
It’s a pretty simple formula: Happy landlord clients=happy realtor that referred them=more referrals for Douglas.
That’s why we decided to handle things different than the competition. Once referred clients are signed up, we believe in paying our fellow realtors immediately; no delays, no waiting for the property to rent, no excuses. We’ve written realtors checks for thousands for bringing over batches of their clients!
We also don’t believe in selling property to or for these clients. That’s always been a concern of agents who send clients our way, and rightfully so. That’s why any future sales go through you, it’s the right thing to do!
Why Us?
Most companies love to go on about why they’re the best choice when it comes to property management, but it’s much easier to talk the talk then walk the walk. Saying we’ve been around for almost 40 years is great, and true, but is that enough for you to be convinced?
If not, we personally invite you to pay us a visit, meet our staff, or we can even set you or your client up with a current owner to discuss our service. Otherwise, a great resource that explains everything we do and what we charge for it can be found by clicking here.
How to Get Started
Sending clients to Douglas Realty Property Management is easy. Simple send us an email to or call our main office at 239-542-6906 and we’ll get you on your way to excellent service for your clients, and get you paid ASAP!