Amid new technology updates, both internally and externally, the team at Douglas Realty decided it was time to show the world we mean business.
There was a specific moment in the last few weeks while I was sitting at my desk and watching what was happening around me…
Our new software is finally up and running successfully, amongst a few bugs we are working out here and there, but overall, our clients are happy with it, and that’s what matters. Property owners and tenants both now have access to their portals giving them the ultimate flexibility to be the best they can be, respectively.
The website received a fresh new facelift, including a brand-new chat function that allows anyone to get answers immediately. “Is this property still available?”, “I have a few questions about property management, can you help me?”. It’s been the best means of communicating with our potential customers, and everyone loves it.
We are using new internal software for communicating with each other, which translates to getting questions answered faster and more efficiently for our customers. It’s truly changed the way we do business.
New internal guidelines, checklists, and systems have allowed us to tie up more loose ends and lower the chances of dropping the ball and upsetting our customers. We’re never perfect, but always getting closer.
Staff changes have been made. We’re only as good as our weakest link, and a few rusty chains have been replaced with those who are in the same positive mindset as our leadership.
2017 has already shown us two months of record new management acquisitions, and we attribute it to us always striving to be better, stronger, and more efficient.
The New Design
With these positive changes, we knew it was time to kiss our old logo goodbye, and design one that perfectly represented the new era of Douglas Realty.
The ship
The first thought behind the design was to keep the ship from our old logo. On the surface, it was meant to pay homage to our old design, and respect its 3 plus decades of business it has seen. But, there is a much deeper meaning to it.
A ship is designed to carry sailors from point A to point B. Ships cross small rivers and ponds, and some cross thousands of miles through oceans, no matter the weather or tides. They’re strong, sturdily built, and offer protection against the elements that sea life brings. They have been used throughout time to conquer new lands, and have changed the world in every regard.
We see this as a metaphor for us. All of us at Douglas Realty are on a ship. As we pass through time, we’re bombarded with the obstacles and hardships of our clients, more specifically the issues that property owners face. As soon as a client signs papers with us, they’re aboard the ship. That document says that you’re now a part of the Douglas team, and we’ll do our part to finish this journey, no matter the conditions, together.
The stars
The stars are meant to signify the 5 star service we’re always striving to give our customers. In the day and age of instant communication, good customer service looks much different than say 20 years ago. Society has shifted to wanting things answered immediately, thanks to the likes of instant communication via emails, texting, instant messaging, and most other electronic sources.
We’ve committed to keeping up with the times, and are always looking for the best internal and external methods of providing answers for both our tenants and owners as fast as possible.
At the end of the day, we want people to say “I’m happy I chose Douglas Realty”.
The Circlular bands
These two bands signify the two types of services we offer, sales and rentals. Since 1981, Douglas Realty is now the oldest remaining brokerage in the area, and is thriving better than ever.
Our dedicated sales staff are experts in helping people finds vacant land, dream homes, starter homes, and the perfect rental home. Some of them are still around from “the old days”.
The larger part of the business being property management is housed by a full-time staff in three different offices who’s only job is overseeing the proper management of investment properties.
Both bands are circular to tie the 5 stars with the ship to signify it all coming together in harmony. The dual bands of rentals and sales with 5-star service are helping all of us on the ship.
A New Beginning
The new logo design has our staff excited, and it should excite both current clients, and those looking to join the Douglas team. A new era of improved customer service and attitudes is upon us, and we appreciate the business of those who are with us, and those who will be with us.
The Douglas Team